Brilliant Minds

One of our biggest strengths has always been delivering content blazingly fast. We’ve done it during our time with vloggers and we’ve done it with Gumball 3000. So when Brilliant Minds needs 7 social videos from events spanning over 2 days, that wasn’t an issue.

We’ve filmed Usher teaching yoga, Swedish House Mafia raving in the middle of the woods, and the world’s best creatives doing fun parks in the middle of the night.

Since then we have also produced the video content for Brilliant minds 2017, 2018 and 2022, and look forward to keep doing it in the future.


Every year we deliver a re-cap video covering all the activities during the 3-day event. This video is sent out to the participants as a memory of the event, and also to promote next year’s event.

Closing party.

This year, the Brilliant Minds closing party took place in an abandoned industrial area in Bandhagen, called Snösätra. Visitors traveled through 5 different areas with different cultural themes and ended it all with Swedish House Mafia hosting an intimate but epic show until the morning hours.


During the days, various one-of-a-kind activities are held with Brilliant Minds’ participants. One year, Usher held an intimate morning yoga class with whoever wanted to join.

Speakers Dinner

Every year, all the speakers get together for one evening for an amazing dinner with award winning chefs and intimate live performances from their peers.

Gröna Lund at Night.

The first event day ended with a private visit to Gröna Lund, where all the attractions kept open all night long, exclusively for Brilliant Minds’ Guests.

Ai Weiwei.

The world famous artist Ai Weiwei uncovered his sculpture outside the National Museum as the initiation for the Brilliant Minds event 2022.


Come On


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